The journal «KMPI Zharshysy» is responsible for publishing the articles with  original content on the results of research in the fields of social-humanitarian, physical and mathematical, technical, biological, chemical-technological, economical sciences, and ecology, international scientific relationships and etc. which were not printed previously.

The decision to publish an article is considered by the editorial board of the journal after peer review. Rejected articles are not considered again by the editorial board.

Articles are published in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.

The journal is published four times a year (January, April, July, October).

A  subscription  to  the  journal  can  be  obtained  at  any  post  office  of  JSC  "Kazpost".

Subscription index 74081.

Article requirements:

The volume of the text of the article should be between 15,000 and 60,000 signs, including spaces and footnotes (from 0,3 to 1,5 printed page, i.e. 5-24 pages).

Technical requirements for the decoration of the text:

Font: Times New Roman, size – 12, alignment – width of the page. Field: on 2 cm from all directions.

Line spacing: single.

Spacing between paragraphs «Before» – no, «After» – no. Indentation of "The first line"– 1,25.

Text: one column on the page.

The first (titular) page of the article must include the following information:

  1. UDC code. Boldface, position on the left side of the page. Assign the UDC to copyright material can be available here:
  2. Full name of the author. Bold italic, position on the right edge of the page through the line after the UDC
  3. Information about authors. Font style – italic, position on the right edge of the page: academic degree, academic title, position, place of work, city,
  4. Uppercase letters, bold, position – at the center of the page.
  5. Abstract to the article. The word «Аbstract» (kaz. «Түйін», rus. «Аннотация»), boldface, position – at the center of the page, in a line after the title. Abstract is made in the language of the article. It is possible to replace the abstract on the language of the article to the summary on the language of the article. Text of abstract: 500–800 signs including spaces, italics, position – the width of text, indents on the left and right – 2 cm, indentation of "the first line" – 25.
  6. Summary of the article. It is made out in two languages differ from the language of the article, with the translation of the title of the article. Text of summary: italic, after references, 500– 800 signs including spaces, alignment – the width of page, indentation of "the first line" – 25.
  7. Key words (from 5 to 8).Key words are written in three languages, are located accordingly under the  «Abstract»  and  «Summary».  The  phrase  «Key  words»  (kaz.  «Кілт  сөздер»,  

«Ключевые слова»): boldface, indents on the left and right – 2 cm, after the phrase there is a colon. Key words are written after the phrase "Key words" in the same line, separated by a comma.

  1. Main text of the articleconsists of the following parts:
  • Introduction (kaz. – Кіріспе, rus. – Введение).
  • Materials and Methods (kaz. – Материалдар мен əдістер, rus. – Материалы и методы).
  • Results (kaz. – Нəтижелер, rus. – Результаты).
  • Discussion (kaz. – Талқылау, rus. – Обсуждение).
  • Сonclusions (kaz. – Қорытынды, rus. – Выводы).
  • Аppreciation (kaz. – Ризашылық білдіру, rus. – Благодарности).

Parts 3 and 4 may be combined, part 6 – if it is necessary.

Parts of the article should be numbered, Arabic numerals without a dot. Headings of parts – font Times New Roman, size – 12, boldface, position on the left side of the page.

While highlighting only Arabic numerals should be used in the text of selected items or lists.

  1. References (kaz. – Əдебиеттер тізімі, rus. – Список литературы). References should be listed at the end of the article and headlined as «References» –font Times New Roman, font size – 12, boldface, indent 1.25.

Information about the sources should be arranged in order of appearance of references to sources in the text, and numbered in Arabic numerals without a dot, font size – 11, indent 1.25 cm. References to the sources used should be given in square brackets. Bibliographic record is made in language of the original source.

Output data of books must include: surname of the author (authors), initials, name, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, number of pages. For example: Семенов, В.В. Философия: итог тысячелетий. Философская психология. – Пущино: ПНЦРАН, 2000. – P. 60–65.

Output data of articles from journals and periodicals must include: surname of the author (authors), initials, title of the article, title of the journal, year, number of publication, number of pages. For example: Голубков Е.П. Маркетинг как концепция рыночного управления // Маркетинг в России и зарубежом. – 2001. – № 1. – P. 89–104.

Output data of collections is indicated in the following order: surname of the author (authors), initials, title of the article, title of the collection, year of publication, number of pages. For example: Зимин А.И. Влияние состава топливных эмульсий на концентрацию оксидов азота и серы в выбросах промышленных котельных // Экологическая защита городов: тез. докл. науч.-техн. конф. – М.: Наука, 1996. – P. 77–79.

Output data of electronic resources provides information about the author, title, date and place of edition, or publication, also indicates the information carrier, system requirements, access mode (to the Internet resources) (Художественная энциклопедия зарубежного классического искусства [Электронный ресурс]. – Электрон. текстовые, граф., зв.дан. и прикладная прогр. (546 Мб). – М.: Большая Рос. энцикл. [и др.], 1996. – 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-ROM) + рук. Пользователя (1 c.). – Систем. требования: ПК 486 или выше; 8 Мб ОЗУ; Windows 95 или новее; SVGA 32768 и более цв.; 640х480; 4х CD-ROM дисковод; 16 бит. зв.карта; мышь; Faulkner, A., Thomas, P. Проводимые пользователями исследования и доказательная меди- цина [Электронный ресурс] // Обзор современной психиатрии: электронный журнал. – 2002. Вып. 16. – Режим доступа:

  1. Design of tables. Each table should be numbered and titled. Table number and heading are placed above the table. Number is issued as «Table 1» («Кесте 1», «Таблица 1»), font style – italic.Table heading is placed by a dash, font – Times New Roman, size – 11, font style – regular, at the center of the page. The position of the text in the table – to the left, the font – Times New Roman, size –
  2. Design of graphic materials. Graphic materials should be prepared by using the programs «Microsoft Graph» or «Excel» without
  • Graphical objects should be presented as a picture or grouped objects.
  • Graphical objects should not extend beyond the page margins, and have no more than one page.
  • Each object must be numbered and titled. Number of the object and title are placed under the object. Number is presented as «Рicture 1» («Сурет 1», «Рисунок 1»), the font – Times New Roman, italic, size – 11, position of the text–at the center of the page. Then, the title – the font – Times New Roman, size – 11, font style – regular.
  1. Design of formulas. Mathematical formulas are made through the «Microsoft Equation» formula editor. The numbering is affixed to the right in brackets. If there is a large number of formulas it will be recommended their independent numbering for each
  1. The article must have:
    • information about the author: surname,name, patronymic, academic degree,academic title, position, place of work (name of institution, organization, faculty, department), office and mobile phone numbers;
    • review of the candidate or doctor of sciences, PhD doctors (for authors without scientific degree).

Editors are not liable for reviewing all incoming materials and does not enter into a discussion with the authors of rejected materials.

On all questions of reception and publication of articles contact us at:

  • Republic of Kazakhstan, 110000, Kostanay, Baytursynov Street, 47
  • NLC «Akhmet Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional University» MES RK
  • BIN 200740006481
  • BIC KCJBKZKX JSC "Bank Center Credit"
  • IIC KZ398562203108711441
  • №007 каб. Тел.: 8 (777) 581-51-20
  • Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.